Flere billeder

Proteo Stalle 165HS - 570 (Theault)

Manuel reservation inden for 12 timer af agenten Manuel reservation inden for 12 timer af agenten


Horsebox 2024 10450 km 3 Antal af sæder Korekørts anmodet B 165 HP


Blåt lys
Transporttype 2 (fjerntransport)
Manuel gearkasse
Hingst model
Rygning forbudt
Hunde ingen adgang

Særlige lejebetingelser

  • The insurance of the horsebox needs to be organized by the customer. We advise to try for a transfer if possible as it provides better protection. A proof of insurance transfer will be asked at collection.
  • If the horsebox isn’t returned with the horse area washed out there’s a 150€ cleaning fee
  • 300€ bank imprint of your debit/credit card will be taken by way of a deposit. Please note bank imprint does not mean the amount will be debited from your account and should not be reflected in your balance, this may vary by bank. We hold the amount incase of damages which may occur to the vehicle.
  • You confirm that your comprehensive insurance cover has been transferred to the rental vehicle for the entire rental period.
  • You agree to send a copy of your driver’s licence to; vikki@equijumpltd.com
  • You are aware that any fines, penalty points, eFlow toll charges which may arise as a result of driving the vehicle during the rental period are your responsibility (Please note all tolls must be paid by 8pm the following day otherwise additional charges will be applicable.)
  • You understand that you are responsible for any damages that may occur while you are using the vehicle.
  • You understand that no smoking / vaping is authorised in the vehicle.
  • Vehicle collection and drop-off on Saturday or Sunday possible only by request, please contact us.
  • You accept that the use of the towbar is an optional extra
  • En lejedag er op til 24 timer.
  • Du kan justere kilometerantal og leje optioner i næste trin af din booking.
  • Professionel agent

Flexible cancellation conditions

A 100% in the event of a cancellation request received no later than 2 weeks before the vehicle rental date, 95% refund will be permitted if the cancellation request is made at the latest 48 hours before the rental takes place. No refund will be possible under 48 hours before the rental.

Agent detaljer

Renteo agent
E41 YP80 Thurles Irland
12 Husleje


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De valgte datoer er ikke gyldige
      Fejl, den ønskede reservation indeholder en periode hvor hestebilen ikke er tilgængelig

      Fejl, det er ikke muligt at vælge den ønskede afgangsdato da hestebilen er ikke tilgængelig

      Fejl, det er ikke muligt at vælge den ønskede afleveringsdato da hestebilen er ikke tilgængelig

      Da den valgte afgangsdato ikke er tilgængelig har vi rykket datoen frem til næste tilgængelig dato
      Da den valgte afleveringsdato er ikke er tilgængelig har vi rykket datoen tilbage til den næste tilgængelige dato
      Dagen er tilgængelig men lukket for afgange/afleveringer
      Køretøj delvis tilgængeligt
      Se lejevirksomhedens leje

      Påmindelse : du har 600 km inkluderet i din booking.

      For at spare 0,50 DDK/km, skal du huske at tilføje dine ekstra kilometer, så snart din reservation er booket!

      0.50€ det ekstra km ekstra
      Udforske Konto 0 Kurv Sprog